Europska unija
Zajedno do fondova EU
Project Title:
Strengthening the Competitiveness of Companies by Investing into Digital and Green Transition – Investment into the New Manufacturing Facility of the Company Krekić avangard d.o.o. KK.
Project Description:
The company Krekić avangard d.o.o. wants to invest into the construction and acquiring equipment for a new manufacturing hall in order to increase its own manufacturing capacities in the area of furniture making, upgrade its manufacturing processes and business processes by using digital technologies, and make a positive impact on energy efficiency of its own manufacturing processes by investing into renewable energy sources. In addition, the project will be used to implement digitalization and advancement of horizontal business processes, for the purpose of achieving the completeness and traceability of the entire business-manufacturing process, from raw material acquisition, through manufacturing and quality control of the products, to the delivery of the products to the end buyer.
Project Goals:
The main goal of the implementation of the project is strengthening the competitiveness of the company Krekić avangard d.o.o. by implementing efficient and technologically advanced production and innovative business models. The expected results of the implementation of this project are:
- Increasing the company’s manufacturing capacity
- Increasing sales income for over 25% in 2025 compared to the reference period
- Increasing export income for over 25% in 2025 compared to the reference period
- Increased digital maturity of the company due to significantly optimised manufacturing and business processes and work efficiency, by introducing 2 technological solutions related to the digital goals
- digitalna zrelost Društva uslijed značajno optimiziranih proizvodnih i poslovnih procesa i učinkovitosti rada uvođenjem 2 tehnološka rješenja povezanih s digitalnim ciljevima
- Improved business activities by transitioning to circular management and significantly improved energy efficiency due to the use of renewable energy sources, by introducing 2 technological solutions related to the green goals
- Employing no less than 12 new employees in the period until 2025
Total Project Value:
The total value of the project is HRK 34,435,014.87, of which HRK 7,500,000.00 are non-refundable EU funds.
Project Period:
31 May 2021 – 30 September 2023
Contact person for additional information:
Divna Krekić
You can find additional information on EU funds and the Operational Programme at the following websites:
U sklopu projekta održane su sljedeće radionice:
- Promicanje ravnopravnosti žena i muškaraca i zabrana diskriminacije
- Komunikacija će biti usmjerena na pripadnike oba spola,
- Pristupačnost za osobe s invaliditetom
- Podizanje razine svijesti o poteškoćama s kojima se susreću osobe s invaliditetom,
- Održivi razvoj
- Odgovorna proizvodnja i potrošnja.

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
The company Krekić avangard d.o.o. is exclusively responsible for the content of this publication.